The social media Africa awards which just concluded saw a kenyan getting recognized for his efforts, Ben Kiruthi who runs a wedding photography blog emerged the winner in in 150 nominees from all categories.
Below is a full list of the winners.
Below is a full list of the winners.
1. Blogger of the Year
Ben Kiruthi @Benkiruthi Kenya
2. Social Media Personality of the Year
Ayari Yassine @yassayari Tunisia
3. Social Media Hero
Michael Hlatshwayo @big_MIKE_ayooba South Africa
4. Facebook Page of the Year
Barefootlaw @BarefootlawUG Uganda
5. Twitter Handle of the Year
Jimi Tewe @jimitewe – Nigeria
6. Influencer of the Year (LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+, Instagram)
The Love Tour KE @slumphotography Kenya
7. Government/Public Sector
Republic of Rwanda Ministry of Youth and ICT Rwanda @myictrwanda
8. Private Sector
DHL Africa @DHLAfrica Kenya
9. Non-ProfiT
Stand to End Rape @StandtoEndRape Nigeria
10. Start-up/MSME
Adforumco @adforumco Nigeria
11. Financial Institution
KCB Group @KCBGroup Kenya
12. App of the Year
Afrinolly @Afrinolly Nigeria
13. Hashtag of the Year
#TheNiteTalk @Lt_Caesa Kenya
14. Brand of the Year
Raha 2.0 @rahaFIBER Tanzania
15. Best Rated Platform
Nigeria Trade Hub @Nigeriatradehub Nigeria