NTV's "The trend" host Larry Madowo has repeatedly blogged and tweeted about his stand on the digital migration which has not been received well by everyone. Blogger Robert Alai is one man who is not pleased and has come out strongly against the presenter claiming that Madowo lacks basic knowledge of how technology works, here are his words.
“The problem with Larry is that he lacks even the most basic knowledge on broadcasting technology, media and IT matters. So he hides his shallow knowledge in ambiguity in his writings and just loud and angry pride.
So he assumes that his readers are so foolish that they need some shouting to drive sense into them. He has not matured with exposure. He needs to. Thanks Al Kags for educating him. I didn’t even know that he authored some blog post about the migration.”
Larry Madowo has also been on the receiving end recently after he called kenyans "stupid" on his article where he was speaking about why Kenyans are tearing KTN, NTV, Citizen and QTV for their stand regarding digital migration.
The presenter hasn't written anything specifically to the blogger but we will see how things go.