We all know her as Janet Mbugua but some months ago she changed her name to Janet Mbugua Ndichu and we all know the she is now taken and happily married to Eddie Ndichu.
This siren has been keeping a low profile since she was expectant. She is 25 weeks pregnant. If you are a fun of citizen TV then you will notice what her co-anchor, Hussein Mohamed does to “expose” Janet Mbugua to the viewers.
She has been avoiding the public and dodging interviews related to her pregnancy. She also does her best to “hide” her belly when presenting the news. She only has 11 weeks left to welcome her little angel.
This siren has been keeping a low profile since she was expectant. She is 25 weeks pregnant. If you are a fun of citizen TV then you will notice what her co-anchor, Hussein Mohamed does to “expose” Janet Mbugua to the viewers.
She has been avoiding the public and dodging interviews related to her pregnancy. She also does her best to “hide” her belly when presenting the news. She only has 11 weeks left to welcome her little angel.