A kakamega man reportedly bonked his wife to death during a love session in the village of Shikhambi in the County. The wife is said to have given up the ghost as the two engaged in a bedroom love marathon.
The man who is popularly known as Papa, is a bodaboda rider in the town and he said he was dumbfounded when he woke up and found his wife dead after a deadly night combat.
It is said that the the woman had been warned by the doctors not to engage in a long or violent intercourse but he didn't heed to the doctor's warning. She had undergone three surgical operations after delivering her first child who is now 8 months old.
The husband went and reported the matter to the police but they thought he was mad, “Go away, what are you are trying to tell us. Solve your problems with your family members and wife without involving us.
“We have more pressing matters to attend to, if you wanted tips on how to handle your bedroom affairs, we are sorry this is the wrong place. Get lost!” the police told him
The man is also reported to have been fired by his employer and the motorbike taken from him because his boss does not want to be associated with him.