Allan Kiuna Is Like A Thug, Njoki Chege Declares As She Heartlessly Attacks The Kiuna’s

If you do not know who Njoki Chege is, please Google her. She is the true definition of ‘moto wa kuotea mbali.’

She has ‘attacked’ and ‘exposed’ many evil deeds and personalities in the Kenyan society and she aint stoping anytime soon. Here is what she had to say:

When I penned the piece titled “How to be the ultimate female Nairobi pastor,’ many thought I was being disrespectful to a “woman of God”. Do not touch the Lord’s anointed, I was warned. I will be cursed, they said. Hungry bears will devour my flesh with biblical wrath and I will be cast into an abyss of pain and anguish. I was accused of targeting a certain female pastor in this town and that I should apologise. But I dare ask: Apologise for what, you little hypocrites? First of all, I think that we have a lot of rogue pastors masquerading as men and women of God who are fleecing the flock in the name of God. I am not known to mince my words and I don’t think I am going to start now, just because there is a church involved and a few characters who claim to be
Pastors, bishops and apostles. I believe in calling it as it and whoever has a problem with me, can go hang on a short tree. I am sick and tired of seeing educated men and women, jubilating over their‘mummy pastor’ and ‘daddy pastor’ as if their lives depended on it. I am sick and tired of watching foolish but graceful churchgoers cheer loudly and hysterically in church at the mention of their pastors but begin to nod off during Bible reading. Well, let me start by educating you fools who flock these so called ‘charismatic’ and ‘modern’ individually-owned churches. Those pastors and televangelists you worship are not God. They are not demigods and they have no supernatural powers. They cannot turn water into wine nor walk on water. They cannot heal your child of asthma nor change your philandering cad of a husband. They cannot heal the blind but they can blind you. What they can do though, is con you off your hard-earned money to bankroll their lavish lifestyles as you struggle in debt and lose sleep over that mortgage.

I think it is utterly stupid for a woman, a refined, educated and emancipated woman with a great job and career prospects to put all her trust in a devious female pastor who doesn’t care about her. You see, just because somebody can speak English with a fake accent, wears expensive garb, plays golf in exotic clubs and proclaims the word of God does not necessarily mean that they are truly appointed of the Lord. Listen. Just because that church can afford to buy airtime on Sunday mornings to air their hogwash on national TV, does not mean that church is the ultimate church. And just because your pastor drives an expensive car and holidays in South Africa does not mean they are blessed and successful. First of all, who lied to you that material possession is equal to blessing. Isn’t blessings the peace of mind, family, love, and good health?

My dear, that Range Rover your ‘daddy pastor’ is driving is not a blessing. That is stolen property bought with your money. That is not a successful and blessed daddy pastor living in Runda. That is a thug handling stolen property. Hold your curses for later. I am just getting started. Listen, you illogical ‘son and daughters of whoever’. You don’t need a female pastor to pray for you to get a husband. You don’t need a conman or conwoman to pray for your husband to stop coming home at 2am smelling of fresh lodging soap. You don’t need a pastor to be your spiritual mother or father. God is all you have and He is all you will ever need. You also need to stop being silly, get on your goddamn knees and pray for yourself and your family. Look here, you dimwits who flock those ‘modern’ churches where people ‘live-tweet’ and ‘sub-tweet’ each other during service and tagging their pastors. You don’t need that semi-illiterate conman to come lay hands on you or ground break that kaproject in shagz for God’s blessings. Come on, God is just a prayer away and you don’t need to consult a deluded ex-convict or former house girl who has
never been to a Theology class before you embark on an investment.

I will tell you the truth even as you throw tantrums all over social media. Those pastors you people worship and adore are humans like you. They tell you not to drink alcohol but you should see them in golf clubs gulping expensive whiskey and cognac.

They tell you not to commit adultery but you should get a printout of their phone records and Sodom and Gomorrah will get a new meaning. They tell you to stay faithful to your wife but you don’t know what their wives go through-but cannot talk because there is a certain image they want to uphold. Some of those pastors you run to for marital advice are on the verge of divorce and they are only tolerating each other for the sake of their business – the church.

Inviting that kapastor to your home and hosting them for dinner, tweeting and re-tweeting nice things about them is not a ticket to heaven. You must think I am an atheist. Well you are not the first to make that mistake. I am a proud and proper Presbyterian who believes that religion and life must follow certain set practice and procedure. Go figure it out. Let the curses begin. One at a time please.


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31 August 2015 at 11:37 delete

hahaha! I lav that.....the truth hurts

31 August 2015 at 12:12 delete

Your sentiments are very correct.....

31 August 2015 at 13:21 delete

Amen Njoki, A very Big amen My Sisto...........
We not hating but Really,,,,,,,Take a good second look at these self professed little gods and goddesses people are running and flocking around for financial break through, marital success and so on.
He who has an ear let him listen, this is just a Whistle Blow.

31 August 2015 at 14:58 delete

Continue burning your bridges, it makes a beautiful fire.

31 August 2015 at 16:14 delete

Have never read Njoki's items past 2nd para. But the amount of sense and truth in this one though!!!!. Come I cum this joy in your small mouth Njoki....

31 August 2015 at 16:19 delete

Rather harsh but very true....God is just prayer of faith away

1 September 2015 at 08:57 delete

So true. How I wish everybody can understand this!!!!!!!

1 September 2015 at 09:12 delete

And now I know why people talk bad about you, it's just because they can't handle the truth period.

1 September 2015 at 12:18 delete

Finally! Somebody tol em as it is...sometimes I feel like goin 2those fake churches n give slaps 2everybody in it n tell em 2wake up,stupid fools...while their pastor is drivin range rover they gv all they hv 2the pastor, trustn "man of God" wil 4the food 2show up on the table by the time they gt home...panda mbegu nikuombee haha,

2 September 2015 at 11:17 delete

you have said it all.walio usingizini amkeni kwani kumekucha.
