KOT (Kenyans on Twitter) donate 6 million within 2 days for Jadudi to undergo a brain operation in India (photos)

70 or so hours ago #1MilliForJadudi was a trending topic on Twitter and its aim was to raise one million towards 22-year-old Jadudi’s fourth brain operation in India.

Jadudi, born Emmanuel Otieno, was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of 22. By the time his
story was highlighted, he had already undergone 3 surgeries.

But the tumor had started to grow again, calling for the much needed surgery. Zawadi Nyong’o, a social entrepreneur and lifestyle blogger Jackson Biko who runs the Biko Zulu blog highlighted the plight of Jadudi on social media. Their call to action; 1 million for Jadudi by Saturday. Just two days later, over Sh6.1 million has been raised. In addition, Kenya Airways has provided
tickets for Jadudi’s flight to India.

“Here is the final figure: As of 9am this morning you guys had raised a little over 6million,
actually 6,111,638 Kenyan money. I will repeat, 6,111,338!! It’s surreal. I saw the statements, running into over 180 pages. Kenyans in their thousands sending 130 bobs and 1,000 bobs and
500 bobs and 200 bobs. Kenyans making a bold statement putting their Mpesa where their hearts
were at, “ Jackson Biko posted on his blog.

#1MilliForJadudi 6 million tear drops! Bless. ” Zawadi Nyong’o tweeted. Jadudi on the other hand was overwhelmed by the support and donations sent his way. #KOT am beyond grateful I'm overwhelmed with joy. From #1milliforjadudi to #renewedhopeforJadudi

This tidal support and donations from the Kenyans on Twitter has not only set a trend in Africa but also, as some users have said, restored faith in humanity.

Additional reporting by standard digital

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