Outrage over Video of a Lady trying to flush kitten down toilet

Texas police are investigating a case of extreme animal cruelty after a video was posted on the internet showing a girl forcing the poor animal into a toilet before closing the lid and flushing.
The girl who is believed to be from Houston, but has not yet been officially  identified, recorded the video using her cellphone before uploading it to her Twitter account.

The video immediately went viral, with animal lovers calling for action to be taken for the cruel act.

The video in question shows the girl holding down the toilet seat while the distressed cat is trapped inside confused and crying for help. The girl then flushed the toilet at least twice.

The cat can be heard crying during the entire incident. A concerned citizen who couldn't take it after seeing the video on Twitter, forwarded it to the police, prompting an investigation.

The investigation is still on going and the girl has not been arrested yet. The Houston Humane Society called the girl’s action extremely cruel and inhumane.

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