Nairobi's most controversial writer Njoki Chege is at it again and this time is men she is hitting hard on.
The city girl wrote an article over the weekend, lashing out on men who are fat, saying they have absolutely no reason to add weight uncontrollably, She says she wrote the article after her fans insisted they needed equal justice after her last article which went viral after she attacked fat women.
According to her, nothing turns her on than seeing an attractive man working out. Here is part of her article.
"Now, I don’t usually bow down to pressure but today, I will mainly because I know fat men will not ‘catch feelings’ like their fat wives.
They will not tweet about how disrespectful and insensitive this article is to them. This article will not even trend.
This is because they will not use this opportunity to appear on television during prime-time news to sell their baseless and ridiculous ‘plus-size is fabulous’ drivel.
They will not bombard my mailbox with a tsunami of hate mail. They will not even attack me and my looks or lack thereof (Hahaha!).
The fat celebs whose relevance has dwindled over the years will not pen ‘a reply to Njoki Chege’s fat article’ in a desperate attempt to gain traction and seek relevance.
Even those female newsroom fossils cum singers and radio presenters who claim to own NMG shares will not threaten to pull out because of a stubborn columnist"
They will not- Lord forgive me for this- call my boss’ boss asking him to fire me and cancel this column because my article did not perpetrate the big fat lie that ‘big is beautiful’.
"Men are not supposed to have breasts or ‘moobs’, for crying out loud. And for God’s sake, what is attractive about a man with a huge bum? Fat men, like fat women are simply unattractive"