A wise man
Zayn Malic once said that there comes a time when you realize turning the page
is the best feeling in the world since you will realize there’s so much more of
the book than the page you had held on for a long time.
This is a
message that is fully explained in our day today life mostly when you elaborate
it further on relationships.
I happened
to stumble upon a debate on twitter #breakupin5words and Kenyans on twitter
give their opinions on how a relationship can end in only 5 words in Kenya.
#BreakUpIn5Words we cant continue like this
— jeff dindi (@maybeitis1) December 1, 2015
Baby lets just be friends #BreakUpIn5Words
— JB Baraka (@baraka_jb) December 1, 2015
#BreakUpIn5Words Just know I loved you.
— Zac Mwakio (@Kafuta54) December 1, 2015
its the pope not you #BreakUpIn5Words @midnight
— Anchorage_Carter (@AnchorageCarter) December 1, 2015
— Ynah Clarisse Ferrer (@enaaahcef) December 1, 2015
I'm sorry,I wasn't ready. #BreakUpIn5Words
— Alex (@rozaidalexander) December 1, 2015
We seriously need a break.... #BreakUpIn5Words
— Actuary n Chesser. (@WanguiGachigi) December 1, 2015
#BreakUpIn5Words It's not you, it's me
— Justa Muriuki (@JustaMuriuki) December 1, 2015