Witty comedian MC Jessy who has vastly gained popularity in Kenya for his hilarious comedies thanks to his Mentor Daniel Ndambuki. Well Jessy thought of surprising many this Christmas after he shared a photo on social media as he dated Miss Kenya Cecilia Mwangi. "Kweli watu hutoka mbali. Look at him then and now"
Here is a photo he posted and captioned
“Nichekelee Tu And I Was Dating Miss Kenya…#CeciliahMwangi 🙈 #GodIsGreat #Godspeed #GodsPlan#God‘sOwnSon”
Here is a photo he posted and captioned
“Nichekelee Tu And I Was Dating Miss Kenya…#CeciliahMwangi 🙈 #GodIsGreat #Godspeed #GodsPlan#God‘sOwnSon”