All the PHOTOS of the Alleged CORD Politician Having Fun with a Mpango

There are shocking photos of a a man whom the public has claimed that it is a politician affiliated to Raila Odinga’s CORD party which have been circulating on social media showing him on his birthday suit having a great time with an unknown lady.

The photos of the said politician has been identified as the Mnarani MCA , Kahindi Geoffrey Muhambi, is seen grabbing the behind of a half-uchi lady in a river.

The photos that have since gone viral on social media and word is that they were leaked by a guy called Calos Arap Sang on facebook and it’s not clear where he got them from.

in his post Calos sadi “As Kilifi county is grappling with the loss of county funds to a tune of 51 milions, Mnarani MCA Hon Kahindi Geoffrey Muhambi was busy using the same money doing what he does best

The politician supporters claim that the photos are not real and that they have been photoshoped by his political rivals, see them below and be the judge 

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