9 Signs She Wants To Be Your Girlfriend

1. She’s happy around you

If a lady likes you, she will always put an effort to be with you. She loves your companionship and she doesn’t stop smiling because she is comfortable around you. She loves your aura, energy and great personality.

2. Downplays other guys

She wants you to know that there are other guys interested in her. But she won't show any signs for you to think she finds them interesting. So, she may not even bring up other guys, and if she does, she does it to see your reaction.

3. You’ve met her friends

If she really likes you and wants to take things to the next level in the relationship, she will introduce you to her friends. Her friends will analyze you from your head to toe and delve into your occupation and family background. Although the comments won't really  matter in your relationship, it is a sign of relief for you and your girlfriend.

4. She shares her secrets with you

Trusting someone is a risk and when someone opens up to you then you should know she really loves you. She wants an emotional bond with you and you should reciprocate her love and trust.

5. She tries to make you jealous

Jealousy is the easy way to get someone’s attention. If she mentions other guys or flirts with other guys in front of you, she just to see what your reaction is. She wants you to fight for her love.

6. She spends time and money on her appearance

Makeup products and designer clothes are really expensive. If she persistently look extremely good and smells romantic any time you invite her out, this tell she wants more than mere friendship.

 7. She just says it

 If you get a woman who just tells you how she feels without you having to dissect her every single move, keep her. Take her in your arms and never let go. You found a keeper, a rare gem.

8. She makes future plans

When a girl starts suggesting things for the two of you to do in a couple of weeks, or even a couple of months, it seems pretty obvious she’s got you in her long term plan.

9. She cares about you and your family

She likes spending time with you and tries to check up on you at work. She helps you out when she can and appreciate, if not participate, in your hobbies.

So if you find your girl inquiring about work problems, doing your dishes and watching you beat your top score on (insert video game of your choice here), you’ve found yourself a keeper.

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