Things parents should do to prevent childhood obesity

Childhood obesity is a disease that many parents and caregivers all over the world have not realized. It is an issue that requires attention and solution with immediate effect.It is hurting to see kids as young as 5 years old obese. How is the future generation going to be? Will this kid grow to his 40s?

The World Health Organization reports that over 340 million children and teenagers between the age group of 5-19 years are either obese or overweight. This should be a concern for parents and caregivers all over the world. The following are what parents and caregivers should do to prevent this monster:

Encourage children to engage in physical activities. Parents should limit screen time to one or two hours a day. The rest of the day they should encourage their children to play outside. They should also enroll kids to soccer clubs, swimming clubs, tennis clubs e.t.c.

Parents should stock healthy food and snacks at home. Ensure the snacks you pack for school are healthy. Like fruits and yogurt. Make homemade food for your kids and avoid buying food at food joints. This is because you are not aware of what ingredients have been used to make the food you are buying.

Replace sugar-drinks with water.Parents should ensure that children drink enough water for the day. Do not substitute water with juice.

Parents should discourage fast food. Avoid buying your kids pizza,chips,chicken,ice cream. These are food that increases chances of obesity and cancer. Instead make them traditional foods and a lot of vegetables.

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