Musician Facing Terror Charges after Illegally Entering State House

An upcoming musician was arrested after he secretly entered the State house on Friday and sought president Uhuru's help to record his music.

Mr. Mathew Kinuthia Maina, was arrested after he climbed up the perimeter wall to State House and illegally gained the entrance to one of the most secure premises in the country.

Maina was arraigned in court on Monday morning where he told the magistrate that he wanted to talk to the president so that he can receive help in recording his music video.

Kinuthia the musician was remanded for eight days as the anti terrorism police completes their investigations into the case.

This is not the first time someone has entered the state house. early this year, a man was charged for illegaly entering president Uhuru's Gatundu home but was later acquitted due to his medical condition.

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