Kitui Catholic Priest Impregnated a Girl then Hired Thugs to Kill Her

A 23-year-old Kitui woman and her 3 year old daughter are nursing injuries at Muthale Mission Hospital  after they were brutally attacked by a thug the woman alleged had been hired by her Catholic priest boyfriend to kill them.

Ms Veronicah Musali Mutua said that the priest, Japheth Mwove Kimanzi from Kitui Diocese hired thugs who attacked her on Monday night when she went to visit the priest.
Photos of priest japheth

“He phoned me while I was at Thika and asked to see me together with my daughter (name withheld) but he was nowhere to be found when I arrived at a Kitui Catholic Diocese parish church, where he ministers.

“He later advised me to go to his home but he was not there. His mother chased me away prompting me to seek accommodation from their neighbor’s,” Ms Mutua told journalists amid sobs.

The Father’s mother then followed her there and forced the neighbor to evict them saying that she was a disgrace to her son and the family.

Here is a video of the girl explaining what happened.

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23 November 2015 at 12:52 delete

That is so sad . The priest should rot in jail . No ones daughter deserves to go through all that and to make it worse the person who is supposed to help the girl in spiritual way is the person who impregnanted her , waited for her to give birth and planning her and her kids death.
