Diamond is arguably the king of music in East Africa but never be too sure since Sauti sol won an award against Diamond in Europe. Alikiba too won 6 awards at the recent Kilimanjaro awards.
The three brands are currently ruling the airwaves in East Africa. Rumour has it that Alikiba was set to do a collabo with Sautisol. Diamond too has the same ambitions since he is the king of collabos in Africa alongside Davido. Who will do the collabo first? Which collabo will be a killer? I am not sure and I won’t judge since Diamond, Alikiba and Sautisol are equally talented and they are creative and up to standard.
When all is said and done all we can do as fans is to wait for the 9th wonder of the world since am sure none of them will disappoint. I sincerely hope that the collabo will be a club banger or a hit song since the three big wigs have showcased greatness in their recent and past ventures